Methamphetamine is a white crystalline drug that people take by snorting it (inhaling through the nose), smoking it or injecting it with a needle. Some even take it orally, but all develop a strong desire to continue using it because the drug creates a false sense of happiness and well-being—a rush (strong feeling) of confidence, hyperactiveness and energy. One also experiences decreased appetite. These drug effects generally last from six to eight hours, but can last up to twenty-four hours.
Street Name include
METH: Beannies, Brown, Chalk, Crank, Chicken feed, Cinnamon, Crink, Crypto, Fast, Getgo, Methlies, Quik, Mexican crack, Pervitin, (Czech Republic) Redneck, cocaine,
Speed :Tick tick, Tweak, Wash, Yaba, (Southeast Asia) Yellow powder
CRYSTAL METH: Batu, Blade, Cristy, Crysta,l Crystal glass, Glass, Hot ice, Ice, Quartz, Shabu, Shards, Stove top, Tina, Ventana.
Glass OR Ice
The first type refers to Crystalline methamphetamine (others call this ice) which experts call as D-methamphetamine. It is a crystal-like and highly purified methamphetamine that goes through extra- refinement process to remove impurities. It is very potent causing your pupils to remain large, you become talkative and you can’t sit still.
Glass refers to crystal clear and rock hard methamphetamine which gives a very strong effect similar to crystal meth. Drug dealers often use the word ‘ice’ to refer to glass, or “really good meth” because some users cannot tell the difference.
In the street, meth users often use the term “Ice” in referring to meth-amphetamines, not just regular methamphetamine. It is not obtainable in some parts of the country because it has fairly uncommon chemical ingredients.
Speed is the methamphetamine that drug users buy on the street. It is a poorly cut, powdery and greasy meth made in illegal drug laboratories around the country. It is cheaper because it is less pure; sometimes it is only 1% meth. The effects vary depending on the level of purity and how much the user’s body can tolerate. Speed may cause rapid heartbeat, dizziness, sweating, nervousness and hyperactivity. Some speed users become talkative, hostile and restless.

Buy Pure Crystal Meth Online
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Crystal meth is also called Methamphetamine. It's a stimulant that work on the Central Nervous System and is mainly use for Recreational drugs.
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